Big treasury of Latin - Proto-Nostratic Language

Big treasury of Latin

The developing archaic Latin

To examine and prove the distant but real and organic relations of languages is a very difficult job. It is not our task to accomplish this in the following chapters.

I won’t say that the Latin and the Hungarian are sweet relatives. I say that many-many Hungarian words and word-groups melted into the developing archaic Latin language and this can easily be demonstrated:

One of many examples:

RÓZSA (Rose)
Cutting off roses in my garden, I got some long bloody streaks on my forearms. This was the point, when I thought that rós(e) got its name because it is “ró”-ing, it scratches with its thorns. This gave me the motive to start looking for the way to prove, how rose and other words landed in the ancient Latin language. How are words like zsa built in Hungarian?

                         Ró zsa is built like tor zsa <torža> (stalk, cob),
                         hor zsa <horža> (pumice),
                         mor zsa <morža> (crumb)
                         and rő-zse <roeže> (brushwood)
is even the same word with different pronunciation and modified meaning.

After this recognition we are trying to prove that the “ró” of the rózsa is the same as all the other “ró”-s in our language, like
                         rovás <rovaash> (a way of writing, engraving)
                         rovatal > ravatal (catafalque)
                         rút (ugly)
                         rovott (person with criminal record)

The Latin words ROsa (rózsa) and RUbor (redness) are scattered through Europe to name a flower and a colour.
                         Other words built from RÚ are
                         RUga (wrinkle, face-line)
                         RUgo (puckers, crinkles)

Think of the picture: a man’s wrinkled face full of grooves, in Hungarian REDő. (It is interesting to meat the English word RED in this connection.) A RÚT (very ugly) man has many wrinkles; his face has been rótt, rútt (“scratched” a lot).

In case of RUScum (butchers broom) the part “cum” means “with” and RUS means in Hungarian “rús”<ruush> scratchy, thorny. In reality butchers broom has as many thorns as roses.

This tells us with certainty that the Latin ROSa got its name, because it has thorns and is RÓS <roosh> (scratchy). A similar word is RUbetum (bramble-berry cane). It has thorns as well. A ROStrum (beak) is able to RÓ (scratch).

Struma (goiter) is a protruding growth. The root of this word is “trum”. A boulder is MONS, a MONStrum is a monster. So we understand ROStrum better.
RUtrum can’t be anything else as a protruding something being able to make grooves. It is a shovel, a spade.
We can state after all that the Latin ROSa got its name, because it is “rós”, in other dialects “rús”, (thorny, scratchy) out of the “Hungarian” language. The word RÓ (it scratches) is a verb. RÓS <roosh> is its agglutinated form by the Hungarian way, is an adjective and means scratchy, thorny. The “a” in ROSa points only to the feminine gender.

Thus we can better understand the following Latin words below:
                         RUS (ploughed land)
                         RUO (dig up, scratch)
                         RURICOLA (plowman, farmer)
                         RURIGENA (farmer)
                         RURO (farming)
                         RUSTICA (ill mannered (farmer) woman)
                         RUSTICANUS (plowman)
                         RUSTICITAS (rudeness)
                         RUSTICUS (ill-mannered man)
                         ROBUR (object made of oak)

We have to ask the question: was it possible that RO and RU was taken from Latin into Hungarian? The answer is definitely NO. The words RO and RU do not exist as basic roots in Latin, one cannot explain those out of Latin. Only the Hungarian agglutinated forms, ROS and RUS were used in Latin. Don’t forget, the Etruscans gave the Romans the basic cultural contribution to their language, writing, arts and manufacturing. These Etruscans spoke a “Hungarian” dialect (Mario Alinei: “Etrusco: Una forma arcaica di ungherese”).

See further examples in the book: “The living language of the Stone Age” by Csaba Varga


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