Addition: The methodology of the TAMANA - Proto-Nostratic Language

The methodology of the TAMANA researche  by Dr.Vámos-Toth Bátor

The Tamana research is not built on linguistically guesswork. It is a name-search not a linguistics. It is a totally new direction of name-investigation, because its object is not to look for the original meanings of the e.g.: ASZÓ, BUDA, CSABA, DUNA, GARAM, GYULA, HUN, JÓ, KABA, KÁN, KARIKÓ, KEND, KESZI, KÓ, KODÁJ, LAK, LÉVA, LOM, MÁTRA, MURA, ONGA, PATA, PÁVA, RIMA, SZÁVA, TISZA, ÚR, ÚZ, VARGA, VÁRI, ZALÁN location, and family- or personal-names. The results of 24 years (1976-2000) lasting research and summarizing work stated clearly that the above location- and family- names can be found on different regions and in different countries all over the world and all of them in singly form and in connection with each other, in form of a partnership.

Until now, we were able to collect in 184 countries and regions of the 5 continents such 7,000 name pairs (containing 3-4-5 name-units). Their formally identical counterparts are present in the Carpathian Basin and (!) 60% of them are used there as family- or personal- names. With other words, the above presented Hungarian names out of the Carpathian Basin (containing 1-2 elements), can all be found on the 5 continents in a construction-form using 3- 4-5 elements.

ASZÓ+VÁRIA rivulet in the highland of Guyana in South-America
BUDA+DUNAA little island in New Guinea’s South-East
CSABA+LÉVAIsland in Lake Victoria in Africa
GYULA+KENDA village in North-West Iran
HUN+UZA mountain in Turkey
KODAJ+KANA city in the Tamil part of India
MATRA+KOIsland in Thailand not far from the island LAK+MATRA
MURA+MURARiver in Ghana not far from the village ASZU+KESZI
ONGA+ÚRIsland in Micronesia
UR+ONGAMountain in Zimbabwe
PATA+LOMRiver on Philippine’s Mindanao Island and a village in Somogy/Hung. (LOM is a rivulet at IPOLY+TARNOC close to archaic archaeological findings. BUGA+LOM is a creek in New-Guinea. MANDA+LOM in Eritrea, Mátra+LOM on The Philipiens, TITA+LOM is a river in Kamerun, however the names BUGA, MANDA, MÁTA TITA are all parts of names from the Carpathian Basin and Hungarian family-names.
RIMA+TÁRAIsland in Oceania
SZÁVA+JÓRiver in Bolivia
KRIKO+VARGAA village in Karelia
KABA+ZALÁNMountain in the Philippines accompanied by the river PATA_LOM
ZALÁN+PÁVAIsland in New Guinea, but river Zalán and Páva village are together in Háromszék, Szeklers-land, Transylvania.
ZALÁN+ZALÁNRivulet in an oasis of the West-African Mali

These 7.000, with Carpathian Basin-identical name-constructions found in 184 countries-regions of the world (60% of them are also Hungarian family- and personal-names) are telling us: there had to be a world-culture(s), measured in ten thousands of years. The ancient culture of the Carpathian Basin was certainly based on it, thus its remnants are still to find in this from Mountains surrounded region. There belong although the pentatonic- music- constructions, the Mandi deco-signs+constructions, the cone-shaped house+ constructions.

The TAMANA-science was born thanks to the recognition of these relations.

… Why did I call this name-investigation, lasting now for 24 years, TAMANA? Because I found the name of the ancient TAMANA–village in the Carpathian Basin’s Bács- Bodrog county’s old name-register and in 34 countries and regions around the world in form of toponyms, family- personal- and tribe-names.

Dr. Paposi-Jobb Andor – Dr. Vámos-Tóth Bátor

Clearing possible misunderstandings in the TAMANA investigation:

During introduction of TAMANA on Internet forums, we received several questions during the last years. We are going to answer these in the following. The questions can be put in 5 topics:

  1. What is TAMANA in reality?
  2. How can we recognize the TAMANA name-constructions?
  3. Could TAMANA be a random happening?
  4. There was no writing in “prehistoric times”. How can we say that the age of a name can be measured in ten thousand of years?
  5. What is the difference between the spreading; the swarming asunder from one centre in 7,000 years, and the remaining (staying alive) diffusion – infusion?

1). What is TAMANA?

It is the investigation (finding, collection and comparison) of geographical-, tribal-, family- and personal-names found on our world’s different regions, often at recently explored enclosures. These factual data revealed, by intellect-accepting-causality, offer a new way of looking at the development of humanity, to better understand the general human history. The major goal of this new science is to put emphasis on the UNCHANGED STRUCTURALLY BUILD-UP of these names, instead of etymological reiterated affirmations.

Tamanas’ intellectual system is based on the observation that the data about the structurally build-up of the names take us back into the past of high level cultures created by HOMO SEMPER – by the eternal human intellect existing in time’s circular eternity. These cultures far preceded all the by us as most archaic accepted Körös-, Susan-, Mesopotamian-, Egyptian-, Indus-valley-, Chinese- or Middle-American-cultures. The structural build-up of the 7,000 name-formulas, found in 184 countries and regions around the 5 continents, containing 3-6 vocals (ALA+MÁND, AT BALA+TON, BAL+INKA, BUDA+VÁRI, CSI+TÁRI, CSOBÁN+KA, DARU-i-SZÉK, EGRI+HUSZÁR, FUTA+MÁTA, GALÁN+TA, GYULA-i-KEND, HAL+IMBA, INO+TA, JÁKÓ+BÉL, KÁL+ONGA+VÁR, KARA+BUKA+BIJRA, KIJKU+TYIN, LATA+BÁR, MAG+URA, MAKA+RA, NEM+ERE, ORO+LIK, PACS+K, PÁLÁN+KA, SIK+ONDA, RA-‘-MOCSA, SZALA-i-KUSZ, SZÁM+BORI, SZO+VÁTA, TAKTA+SZADA, TALA+BOR, TA+MANA, TARA-i-BA, TARNA÷MÉRA, TISZA-NÁNA, URJ+KOM, VÁR+SZÖ, ZEMP+LÉNI, ZSANA+TASS) recur as geographical names in the Carpathian Basin and up to 60% with as Hungarian family- and personal-names. These facts support the statement that the 7,000 names are the proof the coherent survivals of archaic, high level, the whole Earth embracing cultures.

TACOMA – TAKO+MA is the earlier name of 4392 meter high RAINER Mountain. The same TACOMA is a remote mountain-village in Colorado (37.22-107.49) south from the also remote village URAL(!). TAKÖMA is a remote mountain-village between 6.000 meter high snow-capped mountains in Bolivia (17.01-68.02) accompanied by the mountains named as KALOTA, BAKON, INOKA identical with Hungarian family-names!! In Somogy-county, Hungary, TAKO+TA – TAKO+MA is part of the village of TAKOTA KUN+TELEP, while in Somogy MA occurs several times like Hárs+MA, Köves+MA, Meleg+MA! The same TAKO+TA occurs in Beum (10,22-1.17) neighbouring the twin-villages ATA-HUSZÁR- ATA+KOZÁR! (MA, MÁ, MAL marks mostly humpy hillsides, being an often used Tamana- suffix; e.g.: BOT+MÁL in Hungary as part of the city PÁSZTÓ (identical with the tribal-name bika), but the same BOT+MAL is an archaeological site in Mesopotamia!!)

Somebody, who wants to deal with TAMANA-research, he better gets reborn again in his mind and referred from this, in his worldview, independent from his location in the world. He has to change his way of thinking to understand the TAMANA-identification; to develop an intellect understanding coherency. His stomach has to digest differently. This way, our intellectual world and feelings can be freed off from often artificially distorted ideas and from superstitious believes. The goal is to recognize the importance of HOMO SEMPER, of the eternally creating human mind in the everlasting time-circle.

2). How can we recognize TAMANA- name-constructions?

Tamana name+construcions have to recur at least twice in the gazetteers of the countries. This means, once in the Carpathian Basin (in Hungary before the Trianon-treaty 1920, covering the whole Carpathian Basin) and secondary somewhere on one of the fife continents.

(The Carpathian Basin’s geographical construction is one of the world’s best by mountains protected areas providing enough water, fertile soil, mild climate and almost all metals for a population to restart life after large catastrophic events. This made it to a place, where all remainder of archaic cultures supposed to be found.)

E.g.: BALA+TON lake, Szittyó, summit, mountain-village in Hungary, but the same BALA+TON village appears on the Middle-Luzon of Philippines as well on the neighbouring KAR+INGO island. The same KAR+INGO is in Hungary south from lake BALA+TON a location, part of the village OSZTO+PÁN. However, the same OSZTO+PAN is in Mexico as well a village-name-construction. Going further, the KARA+KUN village in South-Hungary recurs on different places: KARA+KUN village in Middle-Asia, a village on Bougainville Island in New Guinea and there we find e.g.: BÁK+VÁRI, KOPÁNY, LAJTA, MAJKA, RÁPO, TOKAJI, TOMORI, TÓTOKI villages-names similarity to Hungarian family-names; the ancient shell-samples there are quite similar to the Hungarian hair-slides-figures, with the Mándi deco-signs.

There is the KRA+KUN-KALA+KUN jungle-village in the south-American Guyana, where also the rivulets ÁRANKA and ASZÓ+VÁRI can be find; however, ARANKA is a river in Hungary and marks in India two rivers also (as in Guyana) where we can find Mandi- signs-decorated antediluvian huge statues as well. The reverse construction formula of ASZÓ+VÁRI: is the village VARI+ASZÓ in Pakistan, in home of the Indus-Valley culture. (this culture, as well as the Körös and Szusza cultures were based on peaceful working population with equal rights for man and women,). In Hungary is VAR+ASZÓ a remote mountain-village in the Mátra region. In the jungle of Gajana, we can find the rivulet KARA+BUKA+BURA, but in the Carpathian Basin we find the villages KARA+BUKA and even Bár+BURA and Tisza+BURA. On the highland of New Guinea – found 75 years ago by airplane – the KARA+KULA mountain the Tabi+BUKA and Tura+BURA villages; an area, where people made gardening using artificial watering since over 10,000 years(!).

One can find the KARA+BUKA and KARA+BIJRA desert-wells in West-Australian in the TAMANA desert. According to the sagas of the ABO people, the first human pair was created by the Spirit of TAMANA. At the same time, according to the ancient sagas of the TAMANA+KÓ Indian tribe, the first human pair was created at the top of the 4600 m high Columbian TAMANA mountain and not far from it we find TAMANA+PALÁNKA partner- creek(!) and the BUR+BURA river! We know from our Tamana-research that the TAMANA village, the settlement of castle-serfs 1,000 years ago, became now part of the PALANKA city of today and it is “well and alive”. The BUR+BURA, which otherwise is the name of two islands in the Lake Chad, is a village of Indus valley-culture and in New Guinea, North from the New Guinean highland, where we found the BÁTOR, MAGYAR(!), PAP+UR, PERENTE, BUR-A-JÁN and BUCHUM villages. From these “following Tamana” we received the name+construction of Burundi’s capital city: BUCHUM+BURA……

One of the goals of the Tamana-research is to find “co-investigators” – should they be the cultivators of any science or art – who are able and willing to do this research in their own country like the Hungarian Tamana-investigators do. Using their local geographical and name-searching knowledge, they could collect, compare and relate to their country. For all this, it is necessary to know the build-up of the name+constructions in the Carpathian Basin. E.g.: ‘prefix-name-addition’, more important ‘name-suffix’ as in the samples above (FON, INGO, PÁN, KUN, VÁRI, ASZÓ, BUKA, JÁN, IJR). We stress here again, we do not deal with etymology, not with any linguistic jingoism or with ethnic superiority.

3). The question of fortuity:

People tell quite often that the identity of the name-constructions is only a “random happening”. One often slanders the Tamana research that the occurrence of TAMANA-names (personal-, family-, tribal- and geographical names) in the Carpathian Basin and the same time around the world is happening only randomly. I received even one email proposing “to set a monkey in front of the keyboard, let him play with it for 1,000 years and he will come up one day even with TAMANA-words, just véletlen (randomly)…”

Well, what does the word véletlen really mean in Hungarian? Vél = vélni means to build an opinion. The suffix –etlen means: without. People telling that the Tamana phenomenon is a véletlen happening, they don’t realize that their slander is dreary. They tell us merely about the absence of their own useful opinion.

Let’s look at it: one culture on two different continents (newly we see even remnants under the see-level as well) and scientists tell us, there couldn’t have been any connection between them. However, people built on both places similar pyramids. Did this happen randomly as well? According to Karl Jung, the starting point in similar cases could have been the collective subconscious as well. In the Tamana science, however, the ancient (archaic) name-constructions of universal cultures are the products of the eternal human intellect. These name-constructions have been found in their most unchanged form merely on the still isolated or just recently explored areas of our Earth. Well, the Jungian-collective subconscious could be an explanation for the world-wide identical appearance of pyramids, deco-signs and the pentatonic music-constructions, but NOT for the REMAINING of the names in UNCHANGED CONSTRUCTIONAL FORM.

Let’s see the following examples:

ALA+MÁND is in Hungary part of the city SZOL+NOK. The same SZOL+NOK is a river in the Philippines accompanied by the village TISZA. (SZOLNOK in Hungary lays on the river bank of TISZA). But, an ALA+MÁNDI is a river in the jungle of the highland in Gajana, south from the rivulets KARA+BUKA+BURA(t) and KARA+RANG. The same KARA-t-RANG city is in Australia West from the desert-wells KARA+BUKA – KARA+BURA – TAMANA. TAT+RANG is in Szekler-land (Transylvania) the name- construction of a rivulet and a village, but it is a desert village in Ujguria, where the construction of our TALA+BOR river became BOR+TALA and marks a river as well. There is an ALA÷MÁNI village on New Guinea’s highland and an ALA+MÁNI village on the Ivory coast between four PARÁ+PARA rivulets. Today, there are four PRA+PARA rivers in New Zeeland accompanied by a TAMANA rivulet. In Venezuela are nine PARA-I-PARA villages in the county of the TAMANA+KÓ tribe. PARA-I-GÁT is in county Somogy- Hungary a baulk, but is a village in India and Indonesia. While POSZ+PARA is a village in Teiues county, PÁRA+PARA a village in Mesopotamia, where there is although a MAGYAR Mountain, a SZABAR village and a TURAN river close by. (34.00-44.00). Well, can we speak about “randomly” in the cases above? If we recognize relations according to the everlasting human intellect, certainly NOT!

These name-construction-building-identities prove the COHERENT PERPETUATION of the denominating system belonging to ancient universal cultures around the globe. The regions covered by jungle or deserts, protected by a ring of mountains and recently discovered areas, all give us indisputable proof of our statement. These name-constructions are dominantly represented in the geographical names of the Carpathian Basin and in Hungarian family-names.

4). Question about the “prehistoric” timing.

Our historians connect the start of history to the start of literacy and putting it into the Bronze Age, around 5-6,000 years ago. This timing, defined in the XIXth century, but still covered by academic-‘scientific’ teaching, dissected our past in stone-cupper-bronze and iron- ages. This however, is for the TAMANA-research, for the HOMO SEMPER useless. But, what can we call writing? János Moritz – died 15 years ago – investigated the so called golden-caves in Venezuela and measured the age of writings he found there by hundred- thousand years.

[Csaba Varga investigated old writing-signs and gave these science new directions. The cave-walls in Spain and South-France are covered by beautiful pictures and writing-signs, being painted or written 20-40,000 BC. He collected, compared them and demonstrated in his book: Signs Letters Alphabets that people wrote text and numbers and used practically the same signs to do so for the last 40,000 years. All known cultures used merely out of the same group of archaic signs, as many of as they needed for their level of functioning. These signs could represent sounds, word-roots, syllables and even sentences. (Latin used 21signs] This was the ancient base, on which the Scythian, early Sumerian, Old-Egyptian-demotic, Greek, Etruscan and from it the Latin Writing could develop. Even the Chinese and early Sumerian put those very ancient signs into ligatures to receive their script. The ancient runic script of the Carpathian Basin, called Rovás, was also used by the Scythians and is still educated in many schools, has over 40 signs.

The investigations of Cs. Varga support as well the statement of TAMANA-research that we all live in one everlasting culture of humanity, which restarted again and again after many catastrophic events.]

One important axiom of Cs.Varga, written in his book Signs, letters Alphabets: “The unproductiveness of our archaeological and other investigations to learn about our past history can prove nothing. (We can’t project the results of our actual fruitless observations upon our past.)”

Human “History” DID NOT start in the Bronze-Age, the HOMO SEMPER’s literacy can’t be determined.

5). Questions about spreading (Diffusion), wandering (Migration), scattering (Diaspora) and about coherent survival (Infusio):

The most important task in order to understand the messages of Tamana-science is to clear the in the title listed concepts. The human history according to the official teaching spread by historians and by religious theories tells us that it started 7-10,000 years ago at the Middle- East. From there supposed to spread the general human culture to everywhere in the world: the writing, arts and technical knowledge. According to these scientists, and to other typical representatives of our culture, the names changed particularly during the diffusions and migrations of the populations enormously, therefore, the Middle-East origin or the imaginary “Indo-European and Finno-Ugric” descent can merely by not-scientific methods, by word’s guessing be proven, depending upon the nationality or worldview of the linguist.

Let’s see a good example for this: Linguists originate the name of the river TISZA in Hungary from a Vogul-Szlavoul word viss, supposedly meaning muddy, which derived from an invented “archaic Indo-European” word Tisjo. This tisjo became Tisia in Latin and from there mediated by the Slavs to the Hungarians, it became Tisza, which was taken over by the Romanians also. Against this pitiful untruth, guided often by chauvinistic politic, the Tamana-research arrives with facts. TISZA is ancient Tamana-name meaning water, river not just in the Carpathian Basin, but TISZA is in Equador, Kamerun, (twice) in Middle-Asia, in Nigeria, (in the home of the TAMANA-tribe). TISZA is twice in Sri Lanka accompanied by river TAMANA and twice in Panama as well. Further there is a TISZA+VÁRI rivulet in Niger, where ARANKA names a rivulet as well as (twice) in India and in Gajána.

See the case of the TAPIO river: According to official Finno-Ugric teaching, its etymology is “uncertain”. It may hang together with our village-name TÁPE, which derived from the Turk personal-name meaning ‘respekt’ in ancient Turk …. One not even tries to descend it from the Finn language, however, there is a forest-gnome named TAPIO in the Finn Sagas and there are 9 villages named TAPIO in Finland. They did not come into the etymological dictionary, because they did not follow the linguistic rules, they supposed to during the last few thousand years.

TAMANA brings facts again: the village TAPIO in New Guinea (10.20-150.35) is close to the villages JAMA+LELE and SZAB+ARI. In Hungary, the rivulet LÁMA flows in to the BALA+TON not far from the Village Balaton+LELLE. SZABARI is a family-name in Hungary. The TAPÉ from above is a Tamana-name: TÁPÉ+CSIKI is a river in Rio – Muni, from Middle-West-Equatorial Africa, where although four villages named MANDOK occur. TÁPÉ+NÉMA names a village in Bolivian jungle-covered area, but CSÁK+NEMA is a district of the city Győr in Hungary.

According to the official Finn-Ugric teaching, the original homeland of Hungarians is the West-Ural area; from where they migrated slowly South and Westward collecting culture and language on the way from the neighbours. But the CIA’s name-register in US contains these still unchanged geographic names in the West-Ural region: ALMÁSY, KÁLDI, KOCSIS(!), KISZELI, MAGYAR, MÁRTÉJ, PÁZMÁN, SÁRKÁN, TAMÁN, URAY and VARJAS! We gave this list of names to the Scientific Academy and asked for explanation, but even after years, we did not receive any answer.

Well, we are not supposed to find identical words in related languages, because a word may only be found only similar by etymological investigation. The Finn language is only related. In Finn, the numbers Egy(1) = kszi, Kettő(2) = Kakszi, Öt(5) = Viszi, Hat(6) = Kuszi, Hét(7) = Szeitszemen, Nyolc(8) = Kahdekszán, TÍZ(10) = Kumenen. We may ask now, in which way are these similar?

Doing Tamana-research, we continuously looked for and investigated the possible cultural changes due to human diffusion (migration, wandering, spreading). We became convinced during our investigations of Tamana-name-constructions that ANCIENT COHERENTLY SURVIVING REGIONS (Infusio) are hiding behind the UNCHANGED TAMANA- name- constructions. The Carpathian Basin is one of the most favourable region among them. Because of its protection by the ring of mountains, it always has been preferred and used for continuous settlement and farming. It served well for the conservation of the past, the general human culture, to make restarts possible after catastrophic events.

The human history wasn’t following the human brain’s supposed grow in weight and quality. The appearance and prevalence of eternal human’s intellectual and artistic creativeness depends rather on the population’s size, on the possibilities of defending catastrophic events and on the prevailing demands. The theories about pre-human monkey- like creatures do not fit the HOMO SEMPER, the creator of the ancient universal culture, the Tamana-research is looking for.


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