Writing-signs and basic roots - Proto-Nostratic Language

Ancient writing-signs and basic roots (morphemes), made for the proto-nostratic agglutinating language

(An excerpt out of the book HAR by Csaba Varga)

We have been discussing in earlier scripts that the numbers of the basic roots in our vocabulary couldn’t be more then 20-25, but at least 15.

The number of the archaic writing-signs was probably not more, then 20-22, but at least 11 and most 29. Those are to be found on cave’s walls and dated 34-35,000 BC.

It can’t be unnoticed that the number of the oldest writing-signs and that of the root morphemes is quite similar. We assume that both are connected somehow.

Let’s look first at the signs found at Pont d’Arc, of which seven were written on one table. Those are 40-45 thousand years old:

Found in Pont d’Arc and vicinity.

We see signs in solo form as well as built together into ligatures. Therefore, they had solitaire meaning, but presented an intelligent message built into ligatures as well. This adequately covers the concept of writing. Had a sign a very small semantic range, it couldn’t have been connected with that many signs in all these variants on the picture.

Such a sign-collection with this writing-system is only logical, if one can write everything with it. We could write just a few sentences in a system giving the solitaire signs very narrowed down meaning. Everybody could try it.

Only roots carry the possibility to express their whole sense by themselves or in a ligature. Fore example HÁZ (house) and HOZ (to it, brings) are independent words, but also together do have an intelligent meaning: HÁZHOZ (to the house); or FEL (up) and TOL (push) mean together FELTOL (pushes up), or both together HÁZHOZ FELTOL (pushes up to the house). But HÁZ and HOZ are the same word as well, built from HO-AZ (it covers) (HO-OZ) and pronounced differently. We still use several roots as verbs and reversed. We told above that the supposed number of roots and signs as well are around 25.

Which sounds, ideas or words could have been attached to the signs? Naturally, only roots with wide based meanings. Did they take roots than no one root could be omitted, otherwise the system were useless. One had to create for every root a sign.

An other possibility was to create the basic roots – the base of the vocabulary – and the writing-signs for them at the same time. However, merely adjusting both systems should have given the same results.

We have to see it right: a language built on a root-system of 20-25 roots could not have developed gradually during thousands of years. The major point of the root-system is that we can’t name randomly everything as we wish. Everything in the universe – as we perceive it – belongs in the territory of a certain root. The language has to carry this concept in its smallest detail; otherwise, it would soon break up, or it never would have become an agglutinating language from the beginning on. (see some IE languages).

We can state here: there can’t be a language built on a root-system without a carefully planning at its start.

A language built on a root-system (agglutinating) has to be created artificially.

Let’s see now what are telling us the signs and roots, if put together accordingly.

(I have to note that I couldn’t yet identify all signs or all roots and even I do not know the exact number of them either. This however should not smaller the comparison of the identified pairs.)

I ordered 3 possible senses to every sign, which should be enough to recognize the picture being expressed by the root and sign together.

It is quite convincing that looking at the sign’s form, its picture expresses the abstract sense of the root. The picture hidden in the drawing is identical with the picture hidden in the root.

See a few examples:

HAR is everything protuberant, breaks through, rushes up; it could be grass, sound, hair, mountain, nose or anything else. HARag (anger), HARsan (blare), HARgita (a mountain’s name), losing the H >> ORR (nose), ORom (peak), Orca (face) and even the mountain (H)ARarat. [the name (H)AR(H)ARát has been doubled for its double-peek.]
Turning the sign upsides down does mean the contrary: HORpad (dented), HORpasz (hollow of the animals’ flank), HERvad (withers), HORzsol (chafe), HORtobágy (a flat land in Hungary), R<>L >> HOLland (a flat land at the Atlantic Ocean).
MÁL, VÁL (MÁLik (disintegrates), VÁLik (separates), or after l<>r change MORzsol (crumbles), MARadék (rest). It could mean FÉL, FELez (half, cutting half)
GUR, KER, KÖR ….(everything round, not straight or not moving straight. KERing (CRUising), KERit (enclose, fencing around), KÖRző (calliper), KÖRnyék (vicinity), k<>g GURul (rolling), GÖRgő (roller), GORod, GRAD (fortified place), KERt (garden).
Ro is everything not intact or perfect. ROM (ruins), ROssz (bad), ROskad (be in tumble down condition), ROzoga (shaky), ROngy (tatter), Ronda (ugly), ROvat (groove).
NE, NŐ, NYÚ means everything is growing, gets built, brought up, comes into being. NŐ (growing), NÖvel (lets grow), NEvel (bringing up), NÖvendék (pupil), NYÚL (rabit, reach out), aNYA (mother), NÉne (aunti)
The smallest, the first, everything together.
ÖSSZeg (sum), ÖSSZes (everything), ASZú (dried), ŐSZ (autumn),
ŐS (ancestor), ISten (the first before all, God)
This sign was found also on a 20-29 thousand years old inscription. It’s probably the doubling of the sign for VÁL (+). The two halves being added together: EGY (one, the whole), EGYenes (straight), EGYes >> ÜGYes (clever, efficient), vEGYes (composite), fEGY, fIGYelem, (attention). It is the sign for the consonant GY in the Scythian-Hungarian Rovás-script pronounced EGY <εdj> (one) and used to write even One = God on the Hungarian coat of arms standing over 3 HARs = HARszág = ORszág (homeland), meaning all together God’s Land. St. Stephen was an apostolic king (he carried this on his coat of arm, since then his sign is called an apostolic cross).
FOrrás (quell), from it is something coming, PUska (gun), FUvall (from wind), PUffad (swells up), PÖfög (puff). This was the sign of Sun-God (köristen) as well; all light and warmth is radiating from it. This sign turned up quite late in the sign collections (6-8 Thousand years ago) that means, the idea putting the dot into a circle happened late in the history.
The form of this sign well symbolizes: PIHe (down), PUHa (soft), PUHány (softy), Pehely (flake), PIHeg (pant). I couldn’t figure out, how did the l <>h change happen, but PIHeg = LIHeg (gasp for breath). Furthermore: LOHol (hurry along), LOHad (begins to subside), LEHel (breathe), after l<>z change ZIHál (gasp for breath), from LÉG [>> ÉG] (air, sky), LÉLek (soul), LÉLegzet ( breath). The world’s soul is coming in and out, when we are breathing. “kiLEHelte a LELkét” (he exHALed his soul). This sign was written before the nose/mouth of an animal signalling its death.
ÉL has been God’s name for a very long time. It was pronounced as ELu, Eli, ELv as well. Its essence is: It is standing at the beginning, at the ÉLen (edge). Therefore: the verb ÉL (living) or the ÉLe (edge of a knife’s blade) are the same words. ÉLenjáró = ELőljáró (leading), ELső = ÉLső <εlshœ> (first). From ÉL became ELV (principle), ELeve <εlεvε> a Hungarian name for God written down 1,000 years ago. Eleven (Alive), ÉLvezet <élvεzεt> (delight), ÉLveteg (sensual), ÉLmény (experience). After r<>l change: ERed (derive), ERedet (source), IRány (direction). Every dead pharaoh held it in his hand.
The picture is right again. ÁG (branch), ÁGas (branching), ÁGaskodik (prancing), AKad (get stuck), AKar (want), AGGat (hang up), AGancs (antler), ÉK (spike), Eke (plough).With H before it: HÁG (step up), HÁGcsó (rope ladder).
The earliest sample of the next sign was found 20,000 years ago, but it was somehow left out from sign-system 1,500-2,000 years ago. It was not used in The Carpathian basin, probably, because the so called Rovás “alphabet”, has been accustomed to ‘sound-writing’. (This change happened there before cc. 8,000 BC. A 10-15,000 years old slit-flute, carved from bone and covered with phonetically written text is found here.).
Sumerian SU, the Old-Greek SE. In Hungarian s<>cs: (ch) CSE, cs<>t: TE, TÉ and t<>d : in form of ‘di’ .TESZ (does), TETT (did), TÉT (stake), TEhet (he may do). DI means Doing, like csizma-dia = in Old-Greek Sysmadia (bootmaker), melodia (softmaker). In Hungarian csi- and csia- as well. CSInálni (making). This sign pictures a hand. From these word groups supposed to come the Hungarian KÉz (hand), KÜzd (fights), KEzel (handles), KÉsztet (make), KÉszség (readiness), KÉszít (prepares) .

The uncertainty of the last explanations won’t smaller the effect of the previous examples. In reality, the sense (picture) of a (KÉZ) hand was attached to this sign in earlier times and now, we are interested only in this.

Summary of the demonstration.

We can state, that the writing-signs are really pictures, figuratively express the word-roots connected to them, at least those being introduced in this presentation. As I told earlier, the number of roots und signs could be around 22-25 but I presented just 12 of them. There are 10-12 more to be presented, but I couldn’t reach the level of certainty so far with my investigations. However, nobody knows yet, how many signs were used at the beginning.

Could we tell something about the relation of these yet not introduced signs and roots?

Yes we could.

The presented signs are in a randomly order. We don’t know even, if there was originally an order, (Presumably was, because one can remember them better.) Thus, we can say, that this is a randomly selection of sign-root-relations. Looking at these chosen examples, the correlation between roots and signs are highly acceptable that means the signs represent the sense (picture) of the roots added to them.

Therefore, the writing-signs connected to the roots are nothing else then the drawing of the imaginary picture of the adequate root’s meaning. A mistake on my site supposed to be minimal if at all.

With this, we could make certain that every sign and root is the front- and back-side of the same imaginary picture: its image- and sound- equivalent. From this we can conclude that there were not more roots then signs, because the system would have been senseless otherwise. More signs as roots were possible, but then those signs wouldn’t belong to this system. (For example: they were numerals or signs for syllables.)

With this, we could ascertain that a language built on roots is an invention. Further the sign-system belongs to this one language, because the examined vocabulary, of which a big part has been presented on previous pages, proves that it can’t belong to any other language.

This proved again that the language, of which basic roots (morpheme) were present at the birth of these 40,000 years old writing sings, must be very close to the proto-language, many linguists are looking for. We call this living dinosaur today Hungarian.

The writing-signs and language were invented together. The use of the word-roots, therefore, the word-building, was strongly influenced by the adjusting possibilities of the writing-signs.

This language was the “lingua franca” of Eurasia during the 3rd year-thousand BC according to ancient scientists, philosophers and historians (Justin), that of the Scythians (Sabirian, Med, Hun) the oldest culture known to them. (Plato, Aristotle and Socrates) learned from Scythian magicians as well.)

This could further explain the TAMANA phenomenon (7 thousands location-names have been found all over the world in 147 countries) which all being used in the Carpathian Basin as well.

Most of these words, syllables have been used as names in the Carpathian basin for several thousand years among population of Scythian descent.

For eventual questions >> Email: drlk@gmx.de

Books of Cs. Varga, written about this topic are on the Internet:

The mathematical text-exercises written on the Rhind papyrus 4000 years ago in Egypt

using Scythian (old-Hungarian) language. (János Borbola) janoslo@kabelfoon.nl

Faragó Imre proved in his books: BER BERE BERÉNY (2016),



that the ancient names of places, rivers, lakes or mountains were mostly of Scythian-Hun-Hungarian origin, not only inside but also around the Carpathian Basin and from the Caspian lake at the East and Bavaria at the West.

This also points to a common proto-nostratic language in Eurasia (before Babel?).


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